Student Coin — The Crypto Token STC is utilized to fabricate the multiuniversity environment.

6 min readJan 5, 2021


What is Student Coin?

The Student Coin was made to present the universe of cryptographic money and blockchain to understudies. STC may be a coin that expects to tokenize present-day training frameworks and make a multi-college blockchain network that associates colleges round the world.

Understudy Coin is an installment framework, controlled by Serato, conveying programmed limits for understudies while applying non-monetary qualities to our ordinary exchanges.

We expect to possess an application which you’ll use for your ordinary installments, going from your week after week shop to parting the bill on an evening out. to hold venture occasions to understudies, nevermore are they the selective open door for the trivial few.

Understudy Coin is an installment framework, controlled by Serato, conveying programmed limits for understudies while applying non-monetary qualities to our ordinary exchanges.

We are building the SC App model immediately, once we have the model we’ll check in retailers to preliminary the appliance, to allow us to convey prevalent cash the executives, limits, emotional well-being backing, and associations between understudies. to hold speculation occasions to understudies, nevermore are they the selective open door for the meager few.

The Student Coin is that the principal cryptographic money identified with the internet of schools. the purpose of the task is to form a big token to show and join understudies the planet over and tokenize the leading-edge scholarly framework. Understudy Coin venture is controlled by understudies, resources, and business people from 17 colleges, including the Kozminski University, NY University, Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Oxford, London School of Economics, University of Warsaw, Maastricht University, or Imperial College London.

The Student Coin intends to form a multi-university blockchain arrange and interface schools far and wide, empowering them to attach within the non-financial tokenized way, even as store information on the blockchain and make their own, committed college-based tokens. The principle superiority of the STC biological system is that the full help of scholarly resources, with an expert business-driven and educative methodology.

Student Coin works on providing solutions as the first cryptocurrency focused on education. The Student Coin (STC) is founded by a group of students and is supervised by the university and research faculty. This project will be used to build a value transfer ecosystem in various universities. As of today, tokens are available for more than 450 universities around the world.

The idea of ​​creating tokens in cryptocurrencies is a potential in crowdfunding and securities management. This project allows tokenization on a big scale. This is what differentiates Student Coin from similar businesses.

What does Student Coin offer?

  • Education and STC Database

The original plan for Student Coin was to offer education about cryptocurrencies from the blockchain system directly. This program will give online classes and provide more in-depth material on blockchain and finance to students. Besides, the implementation of the blockchain system in educational institutions will lead to further plans.

  • STC Exchange and Trading

Student coins are now available for trading and exchanging cryptocurrencies. This program allows members to participate and benefit from the start. It has been registered in 3 markets and is predicted to continue to grow.

  • Utility Tokens

Student coin has created a “Student App” that functions as a wallet. This application can be used to make financial transactions such as paying for services on campus. The application is super easy and safe to use.

  • ETC Ecosystem

The Student Coin project is based on blockchain technology that allows getting a better network of interactions with other universities. Also, it is easier for student organizations or academic institutions to find additional funds to work on projects. These funds can be obtained from many investors around the world. Broad interaction will create a better STC ecosystem.

Advаntаgе Of STC Hоldеrѕ

STC Tоkеn will work as thе rеfеrеnсе сurrеnсу and value storage for аll аѕѕеtѕ іn thе Student Cоіn ecosystem.
STC Tоkеn will аllоw уоu to сrеаtе your tоkеn and mаnаgе it utіlіtіеѕ in the easy to uѕе STC Tеrmіnаl.
STC Tоkеn gіvеѕ thе ассеѕѕ to Eduсаtіоnаl Pаnеl thаt рrоmоtеѕ tokenization аnd educate about есоnоmісѕ, fіnаnсе аnd nеw technologies.

STC tоkеn hоldеrѕ wіll rесеіvе a part of thе profit generated іn the STC Exchange from fееѕ for tokens trаdіng аnd сrоwdfundіng.
STC Tоkеn wіll bе thе сurrеnсу tо perform сrоwdfundіng fоr ѕtаrtuрѕ, ideas аnd people at STC Exсhаngе for iOS аnd Andrоіd.

Why choose STC

  • STC is a dependable, principal, and long haul project dependent on scholastic qualities.
  • STC makes the Educational Panel that advances tokenization and training about financial aspects, money, and new advances.
  • STC Token holders will get a profit produced in the STC Exchange from expenses from tokens exchanging and crowdfunding.
  • STC Token will fill in as the reference cash and worth stockpiling for all tokens in the Student Coin environment.

Understudy COIN project is a multifunctional arrangement in the realm of digital currencies. Their thoughts and work done are moving. The venture has an extraordinary future since they open the route to the universe of digital forms of money for a large number of understudies across the infection. We ought to intently screen the improvement of the stage and undertakings dependent on their innovation. Understudy COIN іѕ pointed toward рrоmоting trаnѕраrеnсу іn аll thе trаnѕасtіоnѕ. Thіѕ wіll hоwеvеr рrоmоtе truѕt аmоng раrtісіраntѕ аnd аlѕо buіld a роѕіtіvе rерutаtіоn fоr thе ѕуѕtеm. Whеn аll trаnѕасtіоnѕ аrе trаnѕраrеnt, іt bесоmеѕ vеrу dіffісult fоr humаn mаnірulаtіоn tо соmе tо рlасе аѕ аll trаnѕасtіоnѕ аrе аutоmаtеd wіth thе ѕmаrt соntrасt.


Student Coin token empowers understudies to pick up information on the blockchain framework. It additionally empowers the universe of instruction to get present day and actualize blockchain into different regions of its movement. It is essential to pick up openness on what the universe of money and innovation will resemble within a reasonable time-frame. This openness will essentially influence the digital money and blockchain spread and acknowledgment, further pushing the world’s idea of being a worldwide town.

The training framework will altogether profit by this headway as it will run the entirety of its exercises on the profoundly progressed blockchain framework. The Student Coin will push communication among colleges thus assisting understudies with completing projects, examination, and fabricate networks that will be useful even after their investigations. At long last, the [STC] Student Coin project has planned the necessary seminars on blockchain and cryptocurrency accessible to everybody worldwide through online classes.

For more information Student Coin :

Website: https:
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Finally, before I draw my conclusions, let’s look at the team behind Student Coin. We all will agree that for any project to be successful, it needs a well equipped and dedicated team that is very active and ready to give its all in all to the success of that project. I will gladly announce to you that the Student Coin team is not left out on these qualities. The guys are experienced and more than ready and willing to bring their expertise on board to achieve the Student Coin goals. Readers, I present to you the team in the image below

